West Street Community Primary School and Nursery

Fireworks Room 2023 - 2024

Mrs Gupta

Miss Stafford

Mrs Whitworth

Key Stage 2 Nurture Provision

Pupils from Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 can access the Fireworks Room if they have an identified need for some additional support. If a child is identified as needing additional support with their learning they can access interventions in the mornings. If a child is identified to have a social, emotional or mental health need through Boxall assessment they can access Nurture provision in the afternoons. 

The group operates every day and can take up to 10 pupils. Mrs Whitworth and Miss Stafford lead the sessions overseen by Mrs Gupta our Special Educational Needs lead. Staff are all nurture trained.

When a child joins Fireworks Room a Boxall assessment is completed which highlights the specific aspects to focus on. Staff then set targets for each individual child to help develop these. The work is topic based and planned to target these aspects and will include curriculum aspects in line with the children’s abilities.

The room is organised to reflect home environment. Sessions will include circle time, focused work and snack which all have specific roles to play in each child’s development. 

Fireworks Team

Miss T Stafford.JPG Mrs J Whitworth.JPG
Miss T Stafford Mrs J Whitworth

Fireworks Room: News items

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Fireworks Room: Blog items

Happy Half Term!, by Ms Brown

Harvest Food Donations, by Mrs Duerden

Autumn Days!, by Ms Brown

Fireworks Room: Gallery items

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Fireworks Room: Calendar items

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Get in touch
West Street Community Primary School and Nursery
West Street, Colne, Lancashire BB8 0HW
Headteacher | Miss Sarah Watson | 01282 865840 | [email protected]
Bursar | Mrs Carol Franks | 01282 865840 | [email protected]
SENCO | Mrs Alysia Gupta | 01282 865840 | [email protected]
Pastoral Lead | Mrs Andrea Peake | 01282 865840 | [email protected]
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