West Street Community Primary School and Nursery


Children receive a homework task each week along with a set of spellings to learn. These are all based upon the current skills being developed in class and this added practise gives parents and carers an opportunity to talk about what their child is learning and to build upon the skills taught so far.

I am happy to discuss homework with you if ever there are any problems. Certainly Maths looks a lot different to when we were at school! We appreciate that and are happy to help.

Children are asked to read at home, at least three times each week and to have their reading record signed with a comment if possible.

Get in touch
West Street Community Primary School and Nursery
West Street, Colne, Lancashire BB8 0HW
Headteacher | Miss Sarah Watson | 01282 865840 | head@weststreet.lancs.sch.uk
Bursar | Mrs Carol Franks | 01282 865840 | bursar@weststreet.lancs.sch.uk
Pastoral Lead | Mrs Andrea Peake | 01282 865840 | apeake@weststreet.lancs.sch.uk
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