West Street Community Primary School and Nursery

Nursery News

Date: 1st Jul 2022 @ 10:49am

What a busy first week back!

In nursery this week we have been learning all about healthy eating and lifestyles.

We spoke about healthy and unhealthy foods and sorted them on the carpet. We have also been practicing our scissor skills, cutting out our favourite food items and making our favourite meals. A firm favourite was pizza!  We made some on the craft table using cardboard and other bits of different materials. We then made our own individual ones using tortilla wraps. The children did very well at listening and following instructions. We enjoyed them together at the end of the day and some decided to take them home, they were delicious!

We also made fruit kebabs and spoke about the importance of trying to eat your 5 day.

Get in touch
West Street Community Primary School and Nursery
West Street, Colne, Lancashire BB8 0HW
Headteacher | Miss Sarah Watson | 01282 865840 | head@weststreet.lancs.sch.uk
Bursar | Mrs Carol Franks | 01282 865840 | bursar@weststreet.lancs.sch.uk
Pastoral Lead | Mrs Andrea Peake | 01282 865840 | apeake@weststreet.lancs.sch.uk
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