West Street Community Primary School and Nursery

Nursery News WC 13/06/2022

Date: 30th Jun 2022 @ 4:12pm

The children that leaving us this time to start reception had a little taster session on Wednesday whilst reception were out at the farm. They explored their new classroom and are looking forward to their first transition day next week.

We have started our new topic ‘Mini Beasts’

We made spider web pictures after reading ‘The Very Busy Spider’ and we also made spiders using the playdough.

This week the children have been making the most of the lovely weather outside in the playground. Today we cooled down with a refreshing ice lolly.

Get in touch
West Street Community Primary School and Nursery
West Street, Colne, Lancashire BB8 0HW
Headteacher | Miss Sarah Watson | 01282 865840 | head@weststreet.lancs.sch.uk
Bursar | Mrs Carol Franks | 01282 865840 | bursar@weststreet.lancs.sch.uk
Pastoral Lead | Mrs Andrea Peake | 01282 865840 | apeake@weststreet.lancs.sch.uk
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